Today i spent my afternoon’s nice big part in the local library reading. I’ve read a Japanese folk-tale collection of about 190 pages. It’s been really interesting and very easy to read. I also rented four more books to the three i had rented before: two Vonnegut books (i don’t know their english titles and right now i’m lazy to check it in the books), an Edgar Allan Poe and an Oscar Wilde anthology. I rented the Poe book because a person trusworthy in this field too told me that his works are worth reading – and i rented the Wilde book because of this person too, since i was told that the Picture of Dorian Gray is also a great book. I only read its first chapter, but i can only agree.

After i arrived home, i made my maths homework, quite easy, except one that i couldn’t understand, because it used a phrase in the task that we haven’t learned about yet – at least not as it was printed there. Then i made two parts of four of the english gcse exam papers, but they were dead easy. If it was real action, it would’ve allowed me to work for 120 minutes (so two hours), but i finished it in half an hour. So to say, as expected. I was lazy to make the essay-writing part too, and i am also lazy to download the sound files for the listening comprehension part.

Now i don’t think i will start working, rather chat with people on different IM networks and read something interesting – like Agatha Christie’s Appointment with Death.