Nem is tudom, hogy jött elő, de a múltkor ahogy a főnökömmel beszélgettem, szóba jött az MWC, én meg reflexből rávágtam, hogy “de mennék”. Mire nagy meglepetésemre az volt a válasz, hogy “nem gond, még ki menjen?” Nem kevés szervezés és a hitelkártyáim kimaxolása után (természetesen a cég utólag megtéríti) végül most február végén eljutottam Barcelonába majdnem egy egész hétre.
大子行ってきたぞ!大子を知った経緯は、一昨年那須行ったときに温泉むすめの等身大パネル見て帰ってサイトで他のどんなのあるかなと調べたら大子を見つけた。それと完全に別でヤマップで「茨城ジャンダルム」登った人の記録もみた。どうやらジャンダルムの天使に会うなら穂高だけじゃなく、茨城の生瀬富士のジャンダルムでも会える。そしてさらに、あるSNSは俺に向けた広告はビール、服、ワーケーションばっかり。そのワーケーションの広告で同じ茨城県北のOKUKUJI BASE CAMPというキャンプ場を知った。さらにさらに近くに袋田の滝という、日本三名瀑の一つの観光スポットもある。つまり温泉もあっておもしろそうな山もあって、観光地もあって、日中は仕事もできるキャンプ場まである。行くしかない!
The Drive
Had a huge breakfast at the hotel since we were up to a 6-7 hour drive.
Skardu here I come
After ten hours at Doha airport I mostly spent just walking around aimlessly, it was time to now fly to Islamabad. The flight wasn’t long, but it was just long enough to both have a short nap and watch The Matrix: Resurrections. I’d probably need to watch that movie like two more times to be able to form a coherent opinion on it.
Getting through border control was much smoother than I expected. They just asked a few questions to see if I get too stressed out, kinda how Americans do it too. All my baggage arrived in one piece too, so shortly I was on my way to my hotel for the night. A night much shorter than I’d like… Since my flight on to Skardu was at 6am in the morning, it meant I could only get 4-5 hours of sleep, and while a shower helped get in the mood, I still kept waking up every half an hour from weird dreams in a panic that I overslept.
Halfway there
Ten hours transit at Doha airport. Sleeping is always an option, though with these time differences I’m not sure it’s a good idea. The airport is crowded (and of course about half the people don’t care about the mask requirement) so finding an open seat near a power outlet was a challenge. But at least there’s this weird yellow lamp-bear thing.
The! Sauna! (and then some snow)
I decided to spend a weekend relaxing. In my sense this means going to the countryside, maybe doing a few hours of something and then just being lazy for the rest. That was exactly the plan. I went with the vague idea that maybe I’d climb Mt Myoko, but though I had the gear for it, it did not happen. What instead happened was, in a short summary, a really nice long weekend.
Down and out
After reaching the summit of Aconcagua at 6961m, we took two days to get back down. Naturally when we got back to camp 3 after the summit day, we were completely exhausted. However the next day wasn’t going to be any easier either: we had to descend all the way to the “normal” route base camp at Plaza de Mulas.
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