This weekend the spring anime con took place in Budapest. And i wasn’t there… Why, anyone may ask. First of all, if i would’ve gone there, then i would’ve gone on saturday, because the most interesting events were scheduled for that day. On the other hand, another, for me obligatory event took place then: the graduation ceremony in my school (no, i ain’t graduating yet, i will next year), which i had to attend, and consumed most of my morning. Not to mention i forgot that SakuraCon was then (i’m ashamed), naturally by the time i realised it, which was at about 2 PM, it was already too late to get there, so this year i missed this great event… Doesn’t matter, if everything goes well, in the autumn i’ll attend the Autumn AnimeCon, which will be at least as good as this one – at least i hope so. One may ask why i haven’t gone there on sunday: the answer is quite simple. I didn’t want to spend much money (at least it’s much for me) on an event i may not enjoy. And to top it all… well, that should be the topic of the next post.
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