Today i worked on the blog engine i plan to publicize. It’ll be based on PHP and MySQL, naturally, as i don’t really know anything else, and all output will be XML format. Some of it will be written using OOP, some will be just “normal” coding, with everything i know in it. It already has its entry parser function done. “Nice job, a whole day’s work and only that!” No, not only that, i’ve also written the error handling class and secured a method for others to translate the blog (not the content, but the script) into other languages (i write both hungarian and english language files for it, japanese and german will come later) and as i said, with that XML format i also give them huge freedom in designing templates using XSLT. All entries “can has” multiple categories and files attached to them, users will have the same features as in this blog (just with a working profile edit page), and on many more fields, it’ll be much like this blog. It already has more advanced text formatting features than this blog, such as automatically recognising and linkifying URLs and e-mail addresses. I want to write it well. kthxbye
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