Today i worked not a single bit, and that’s sad. But at least i got a reply from my american exchange partner. So i think i’ll be writing a nice long mail this evening. Well, after having dinner and doing my gym session and spending a nice long cooldown time under the shower (joke – i never use more water than neccessary; after all, i’m a Greenpeace activist or whatever). What did i do then instead of my job? Good question, but i have the answer ready, the truth: i’ve been chatting with friends on msnmsgr, watched four episodes of Shakugan no Shana, which i find simply great, though far not as addictive as some others, and played chess and checkers with my little brother. It was fun, i won all chess plays and lost all checkers – my only excuse from this is that this was my first time i played checkers. I had some good situations, but i did some foolish beginner’s mistake in every each of them so that i lost. But it was an experience, and i hope that after a few more plays i may be able to win. Oh, the title means something along the “lines” of “damnit”, referring to that i haven’t worked even though i intended to.
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