Just stealing the title of that great Devin Townsend song, sadly i’m not in a warmer or at least less dusty part of the world, thus i’ve caught cold and now i’m suffocating in dust. Damn these constructions town-wide, and those street-cleaners or whatever they’re called, who should clean all the sand from the roads so that we, more or less normal civilians won’t get a dust allergy if we didn’t have one yet, or won’t get asthma if we had (and sadly i have, but it’s more or less cured now). After school i went “shopping” with my mom, bought some neccessary things and some that weren’t so neccessary, but once they could’ve become. I’m preparing well for the american trip, but meanwhile i’m somewhat scared too. I have loads of things to do in this five days i’m at home, and if i’m going off to party on friday (which i plan to do), then i’ll have at least half a day less to work. And i still have a couple of articles and a couple thousand lines of code to write. I can’t risk taking too much work to america, as i have no idea how much free time will we have there… Still, i will have to…
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