The new Nightwish one, i mean. It sounds great, it sounds new with many “hit” songs like Amaranth, which was first released as a music video, but also Master Passion Greed and Whoever Brings the Night. I still have to get used to the new singing style, as Anette’s vocal range is far not as wide as Tarja’s was, she mostly only sings in the higher regions—i wonder how many times she was told this! But it’s positive that this album is pretty fast and doesn’t lack traditional Nightwish tunes while being so new. I had some trouble finding the bonus track, (The) Escapist, but it worths the time, being a great song. In the case of one song, For the Heart I Once Had, as it started i thought i accidentally placed a Sentenced song in the playlist, the guitars are tuned so much their way. Too bad Sentenced is out of the ring now… Back on topic, Nightwish did a good job with this album, i wonder if it’s going to become such a success as Once. They’ll be coming in Hungary next march, i’m thinking about going to that gig…
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