It’s an interesting question how Winamp decides which songs i’ve never played. The past few days i’ve been listening to that playlist it generated on the “Never played” tab of the Media Library, but the strange thing is, that as i finally got to the end of the playlist (and could start with a new selection), and checked out the Never tab out of curiousity, it showed that i still haven’t listened to a couple of songs. That seriously made me think. Could it be that if i don’t listen to a song in a long while, Winamp takes it i’ve never listened to it? This is falling apart, since there were songs on that playlist that i clearly remember listening to in a few days. Such a song is Guano Apes‘ cover of Big in Japan, that i just listened to yesterday. And i haven’t changed the file path, i’m not that much of a noob. Most of the songs were added not so long ago, and i have songs to which i last listened last summer, and it’s still not “never played”. It’s again interesting, how its random play works, because there are songs which are played surprisingly often, while there are others, not less good ones, which are totally avoided. Strange. Winamp seems to be addicted to Stratovarius.
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