I’ve just read on Slashdot, how reckless is the american government. It seems that not only the higher-ups, but even those maintaining the US government websites are totally hopeless. Honestly, how can someone put a clear and bright SQL query in a url clear and bright, totally unencoded? Though it’s said that the site since then underwent “maintenance”, but still, anyone could get the very personal, more-or-less sensitive data tens of thousands of people, just because they simply thought that whoever would log into that system would be innocent, and surely not someone who knows the smallest bit of SQL. Though those people must be quite interesting, making such basic mistakes in a government website – honestly, even my blog is more secure than that (not as if i’d want anyone to try it out, but if you were trying, i hope you won’t find any such lame exploits – if it took more than a minute to hack me, it already worth my work). The most fascinating part of it all, how hard the writer of the above mentioned article had to emphasise the dangers of such an exploit before any measures were taken. This is scary – the whole situation kind of reminds me of the comic strip that a commenter at Slashdot mentioned. I hope this level of quality (meaning the exploit, not the comic) is not general among governments…
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