The States leaders should finally decide if they want free speech or not. On the same day, i read contradicting articles on Ars Technica: in one of them the senators try to force the huge States-based multinational internet companies, such as Google, Yahoo and Cisco to work against the Great (Fire)wall of China—the practice of the chinese communist system to censor the internet and search results. On the other hand, only by a few minutes difference, there’s an other article, about how senators try to force Google to remove islamist videos from YouTube. They should really decide then: let there be free speech or not? If they want to force the communists to let everyone express their views there (which would, i guess, fairly soon lead to the collapse of that system in its current form), then why should Google remove islamist videos? I don’t mean those videos displaying violence or any such offending material—the only problem is that they are by islamist groups.
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