The thing is, i still haven’t started learning for my exams, though they are nearing scary. I’ll have to start with the grammar questions, then come math… Math is the closest, ninth of june. The others are the end of june, but i just borrowed the grammar ones, that’s why it has priority. Tomorrow in the morning and in the early afternoon i’ll be working on my current job, a website for a textile merchant, which will be completed in the matter of days, then come the registration process, which takes a while in hungary—at least it took a while when i first registered at a local registrar. After that i’ll be reading, i still have about a hundred pages from the book i’m into nowadays, i want to finish it. Later i plan to start copying the grammar questions (that’d be enough for a first turn of learning), then complete the new version of the past vDesign, which is everything but up to date and good-looking. It was quite a while since i did that one, and it was only in a few days that i realised that the top banner at Athina’s blog is made using the same pattern. The very same. I’m proud (joking). By the way, the new version will be very trendy web2.0 style, but i tried to make it a bit original. And from now on, i’ll be paying close attention to my projects, so they’ll look good on my reference page. Yeah. Business is getting more speed.