In the morning whenever i have time i read the news feeds my reader collected for me, and one of these is Ars Technica. I don’t want to go deep into advertising them, so i just link the article i read now. The title says it all: “LittleBigPlanet delayed over Qur’an quotes in soundtrack”. Now i guessed that this is some kind of american insanity that the holy book of islam shouldn’t be quoted at all, or else the game would be supporting some fanatic terrorist groups. The strange thing is that it’s right the opposite: islamic people requested the removal of that track from the game, because for them using the words of their holy book as lyrics or accompanying them with music is something offending. I can see the point why, but what’s rather strange is that the Slashdot article about the same matter doesn’t take the trouble to clear that, and you can see that those commenting don’t get the idea either. And some of who do feel offended, because the quotes could offend the religious beliefs of some. That’s the country of tolerance and equality for you.
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