is good not only for making you realise what are your real favourites but also to find new stuff. For example while browsing around suggested artists i found a couple of them really interesting. (Such as Vanden Plas, Andromeda, Porcupine Tree and so on–the problem with these is that they have no material online on the site so i have no idea what music do they actually play. I’m sure it’s not bad, but…) There was one, Pineapple Thief, officially categorized as “progressive indie” that really caught me. They have their whole Tightly Unwound album online, free to listen, and that’s indeed what i’ve been doing whenever i’ve been “at home” in the past days (which wasn’t that much). It’s a mixture of progressive and indie elements, and i haven’t heard anything similar before. Give it a try, i really like it (for now, but how long this relationship lasts we shall see).