The title may not be as correct as should be, grammatically—i wanted it to mean: “spontaneously to Shinjuku”. Sunday afternoon was fun. After i finished my long awaited fish dinner i helped Rado with his bike, and we managed to fix it. Then accompanied by some fuel we played table tennis for a while. A pretty long while. Then i decided i really need to review that two hundred kanji due (and today 150 are again due, though i won’t start reviewing them now), so i did. With success, i managed to finish it sometime around half past nine—naturally meanwhile in those short intervals when i got fed up with all the stroke orders and silly stories, i took a few Facebook quizzes. During one of these i’ve seen Adina writing in her status that she wants to go to Shinjuku. (I think i knew under conscience that the night was lost then.) In the end five of us, Adina, Plamena, Jaeyeon, Rado and i left for Shinjuku, sometime after nine. Ate something small and very expensive at a restaurant where all the waiters spoke korean, looked around, laughed at people and came back home with a train around midnight. But then the girls decided that they wanted to study, so we all ended up in Plamena’s room “studying”. I was having fun with a kanji app on Plamena’s iPhone (she could get one, cheater!), the others with their homeworks. And i managed to get to sleep around three… I guess it’s no surprise i’m a bit tired now…
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