The weekend was about fixing my laptop and the home desktop computer. We’re talking about Windows, so one could guess how much pure fun that was. I finished the laptop in one evening, though there were some complications. First, i couldn’t yet get the scrollbar on the touchpad to work, but i guess if i find the right driver, that’ll be fixed. The other is more problematic, as the video card is an “old” ATi X700, and the drivers simply don’t install for it anymore. Thus i couldn’t get even the 3d-using Chronflow foobar2000 plugin to work… Sucks on high heels. And i had to play a lot with the desktop one. That’s a bit older, about six or seven years of age now, so it’s damn slow anyway. The normal installations (drivers, browser, mail client, office) was without problems. That arose with the security. On my laptop i have the Comodo Internet Security (CIS) thing with built-in everything, which is just fine for how i use my machine. On the desktop i had the eTrust antivirus and the Comodo firewall before the reinstall, but the eTrust became simply useless, as no updates were provided anymore (even though i bought the software). Thus i tried to install the CIS there as well, but the installer didn’t start, literally. The process started, and started to consume huge amounts of memory (starting from 60 megs, climbing as high as 180, sometimes dropping back to 10-15, but then going up again) without anything appearing (no dialog, no error, nothing). So i rather got the Avira antivirus and Online-Armor firewall for the desktop. Both are free, and although i had to play quite a while with the firewall to let the ICS (connection sharing) work normally, it’s now fine. And i hope it’ll stay like that…
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