Or more, if you’ll replace “japanese” with something else—i guess it’d stay correct anyway. The thing is, school sucks. Delicately phrased, nay? Well, the truth is that for most of the time they can’t really choose correctly what to teach “not so kids anymore” like us. Or maybe it’s just me to find the third text about the cultivation of a fruit boring, when all three are virtually the same template with words changed. Yeah, it’s probably just me to find it a nuisance to learn words that i will probably never ever need again. To quote a japanese-studying friend of mine: “you can already say foreigner registration id card, but don’t know how to write the word for room?” (where room is without abstract meanings the place we live in). Finely balanced curriculum, i must say. To be honest, even though we study from japanese teachers, and live here, we’re almost totally isolated from the actual japanese language. I feel i learnt more japanese in the past five days from bus drivers, information personnel, and manga than in the past month of school. Or maybe it’s my fault for expecting to being taught first those phrases i need for normal communication, and not only those if i say in a shop, the cashier will laugh at me, it’s so crazy official? Whatever, i’ll manage. Just have to learn a couple of kanji each day, try not to forget them and do my homework roughly on time so the teachers will be happy as well and i won’t be braindead or get a nervous breakdown like some…
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