I’m feeling down. I know, i know… I’m not the one to cut myself or anything like that—i’m not stupid enough for that. Just it makes me feel down when i’m not as good at something as i want to be and i don’t have the time and space to improve. I simply can’t stuff any more activities in my life, i can’t study till morning four every day, because then i’d end up a coffee junkie in two days. Still i want to do so many things, so as many times before, i’m planning some kind of schedule with which i could manage as many as possible. The only problem is that i have a good habit not to keep myself to my own schedules. (Nor others’, as apparent from the number of days when i was not late for class, let’s say the limit of series an where n tends to infinity, signifying the number of days, and an, showing the days when i was not late, tends to zero.) I want to finally learn Moondance on piano, and want to learn the acoustic version of Bon Jovi’s It’s my life. Both i can do if i have time for it, thus i only need to find the time to practice. And meanwhile i’ll have to study for those so much awaited exams which decide which university i can go to (first choices being Osaka and Hokkaido, former for the sake of Kansai-ben, the people and the life, latter for the sake of nature, ainu people and weather), because i realised that for these i really have to study continuously, i can’t afford to do it in the last week on the verge of breakdown. And not only music and studies, i want to get back to coding and reading as well, i finally want to see nicely built php and javascript codes on my screen, running a nice layout… Not to mention the books i have and haven’t finished in almost a year… shame on me.
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