Yesterday in Shibuya i wanted to buy (beside a hat) a coffee, a good one, which meant i checked the Starbucks there. Before that, really good review of the Arabian Mocha Sanani, but that costed roughly twice as much as the others, and as explained by the shopkeeper girl, it has all kinds of stuff like cocoa in it–which is probably pleasant when needed, but it sound more like some kind of dessert for me.) The Italian blend surprised me with a really smoky smell when i opened the package, which kind of reminded me of the bad experience with the japanese “black coffee” (not the (really and confirmed by many) potato-tasting one from the vending machine, but a ground one sold in bigger stores), but my worries were wiped (www) as soon as i tasted the brew after breakfast. It’s soft and has a somewhat sweetish after-taste, while keeping that promised smoky flavour as well. It was a really good experience after my ham-and-eggs brunch (breakfast-lunch). I think this coffee will serve well until it runs out in about a month–when i’ll give a try to something completely different.
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