Today i woke up late, had my usual cornflakes-cereal breakfast around noon with a coffee, then started coding, and blogging, as reflected in the previous three posts. Then we went skating, “we” were Heajin, Jaeyeon and Theo, and had fun at the rink near Meiji Jingu. First time i had ice skates on my feet, and it was a nice experience, altho all the little “eight year old and fulfilling mommy’s big dream” figure skater girls had a really bad effect on my self esteem. After that with a little detour on the Yamanote line, i got home, on the way had a cheese-beef don at Sukiya and ran off for futsal. I haven’t been playing for… for quite a long time, roughly since the autumn mid-term exams. Say, two months? Thus i wasn’t exactly in my best form, messed up even more chances than usually (which means a really bad performance), but overall i enjoyed it. Since tomorrow i’m going to get my dreads fixed properly before going home (i’ve been a bit lazy lately), i decided to wash them tonight. As soon as they dry, i’ll head off to find someone who could help me decode a voice message left on my phone while i wasn’t paying attention (don’t really know when, i found it on the way home), left by some woman from as far as i could catch some university (just don’t know which), with a really serious problem on the field of articulation (meaning i had to listen about five times to be able to catch at least a few words). If i get that sorted, and fetch a milk from the shop for my usual before-sleep cocoa, the only thing that could make this day even fuller would be a hot chick waiting for me in the bed. (Not counting such stuff like my home friends popping up out of nowhere with a truck full of beer and fangirls…)
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