Just now Doryan showed me the vietnamese version of the huge romanian hit Dragostea din tei. I have to confess honestly, i screamed out loud (sorry neighbours) and almost fell of my chair laughing when i heard it. But it got better. There was a chinese as well. And many more. I first thought about linking as many as i can, but then i found a collected version, which has many languages and versions, the chorus only cut after each other. It has afrikaans, brasilian portuegese, khmer (cambodian), english, finnish, hebrew, hungarian (that one’s pretty hilarious, i’ve to tell you), indonesian, korean, chinese, portuguese, russian, thai and vietnamese version of the “numa numa yee” beside the original romanian (i don’t know what they sing but that hard r in the chorus sounds great). (Just so everyone has something to be ashamed of.) It’s fantastic, instant love. My “funny” tag can’t explain it properly. I’ll try to embed the youtube video here, but i’m afraid my own security measures will prevent it.
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