Every year, the Japanese Self Defense Force (called the roundabout way since the constitution’s chapter 9 doesn’t allow an army) holds a very impressive firepower demonstration at the ground forces’ base near Fuji. That means that if you’re “lucky” to have clear weather (as clear weather means scorching August sun), then you get to see the various tanks thunder and choppers zoom up and down with the backdrop of the famous mountain. And obviously the purpose of the whole show is to charm youngsters into joining the surprisingly unpopular service of the SDF, so the scenery’s extra memorability just adds to the effect.
This half a year is pretty busy for me. My passport is expiring, my Japanese driving licence is expiring, my trip home this December will be the last before my Hungarian driving licence expires next year, and my visa will have to be renewed as the new year starts as well. So much paperwork alone gives me more headaches than I’d like, but the bureaucratic procedures are often the least of the problem.
To add to the mix, I’m scheduled to visit Korea in a month on a business trip. Thing is, Hungarians need at least 6 months of validity remaining on our passports to enter the country without a visa. My current passport clearly doesn’t have that much left. Here starts my little story.
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