Spotify had a really charming summer sale, three months for 100 yen, and that was more inviting than what I could resist. As a result, I’ve been listening to various artist radios at home too (without premium it wouldn’t let the desktop client on).
Now that it works, of course I’d occasionally want to post #nowplaying tweets/toots too, so I added that functionality to my script. From the experience with fixing it for Clementine the other day, it was really easy.
I just changed the DBus-reader function as such:
def get_clem(): try: return bus.get_object('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.clementine', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2') except DBusException as e: try: return bus.get_object('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2') except DBusException as e: print e sys.exit(1)
And now it works. All is good. (As obvious, Clementine takes precedence.)
Also, I fixed some stuff and uploaded the code to Github. Enjoy.