Recently I’ve been seeing lots of articles about companies enforcing RTO (return to office), putting an end to the remote work “paradise” that’s been around since the ‘rona lockdowns. Luckily my company isn’t doing that for devs (though sales folk are hybrid), and it would be tough too considering how many of us moved even further away from the office in downtown Tokyo.

I personally don’t really feel a difference in productivity whether I’m in the office or not. Even if I’m in the office, I’ll just put on my headphones and do my stuff. Team meetings? I really don’t feel there’s a difference between sitting around a table (or standing in front of a whiteboard) and an online video meeting.

On the other hand, losing two hours of my life every working day to a soul-numbing crowded commute? Or paying 3-4x as much just so I can live near the office and drown in the concrete jungle smog every time I want to go for a jog? How about no?