A while back I picked up my fretless Ibanez to practice some old-school songs. Think Elvis, Cream, Stray Cats or Blue Cheer. I use the fretless even if the original wasn’t played on one, because otherwise I’d pretty much never pick it up. I still do so sadly infrequently…

So it was quite a shock that the bass’s neck was so bowed that it was unplayable (strings touching the fretboard all along). At that point I didn’t have time to learn how to fix it (by adjusting the rod inside) so I put it back into its case and kinda forgot about it.

Then today after cleaning my room I gathered the tools I needed and took it out of the case to fix it—except it was back to normal. I can only assume that the bending was caused by the ridiculous humidity and summer heat, especially during the weeks in June while I was on Denali (and so the AC in the room was off), and then it gradually returned to normal.

To celebrate I played until my fingers started to ache (which isn’t a lot of time considering how out of routine I am).