No, this article won’t be about Alice Cooper. Nor will it be about music. Just school. Then why is “Alice Cooper” the title? Simple. Or not. Alice Cooper has a song called School’s out. But now it’s back. Poor us.

First, looking at the statistics of the main domain, much less people browse here since the school’s back. Yeah. I’m not worried about it though… We’ll just get used to it.

Second, looking at the statistics of my body, i won’t be able to keep on staying on for long with this waking early. Also, no interesting anime is on anymore. I mean, there are multiple, but Trigun would be too late to watch (11pm…) with school next day, and i’ve seen all episodes of Ghost Stories, so no need to stay up for that either… I’ll rather read myself to sleep.

I realised this problem today when i thought about what new page i should make for Digimon Backup. I already prepared the images for it, but had no power to write the page itself. Sucks.

All i could do is to update the sidebar so the newest pages will be available from there too.