Tag: geek


I was simply fed up with all the mess on my pc – i mean, there was a quite chaotic folder structure and data mass randomly placed on my hdd, so i moved them all to one single directory – i didn’t have the determination to sort them too. Just to note: only the fonts take up about 200 megs… interesting. Explanation: there are many far eastern (chinese, japanese) fonts, that contain thousands of letters and thus are really huge (15-20 megs). Don’t ask me what for i need those, i don’t know. It’s just fun to be able to type in many looks.

The next step would be to order my music too. It’s already somewhat ordered, but to store all of them on one drive it’d take repartitioning my hdds, and i’m lazy to do that not to mention it’d take ages with 280 gigs of total space, almost totally filled with data…

Once in a few years i’ll take the time and tidy up everything, organizing my music, the images (i have loads of them, really), the documents, projects and such. Also i want to create separate windows profiles for the other users of the computer (mainly my cousin) because i’m fed up with cleaning down the remains of half-uninstalled game demos and such.

But now i’ll only get ~3 gigs of new anime (new DS, Naruto and Bleach eps and a new series called The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, which looks really cool). I really need a DVD burner.

FireFox Day

It’s like Spread FireFox. Just named it something else.

If you make someone download FF before september 15th you’ll both get included in the thanks panel of FF2. Cool.



I don’t know what the [BBB] DC prefix stands for, but it’s quite sure it’s one of the best internet providers i ever experienced. Alongside the [Telia] users, the [BBB] ones are those, from whom i can download full speed whenever i get a slot. That means 25-150 KB/sec, which is far over the average 2-10 KB/sec…

I think both are located somewhere in the scandinavian countries, though that’s just a mere guess. That too would then prove that the north-european countries may not be the best regarding GDP and such, but sure the best in at leat music and internet quality, just think about HammerFall or Stratovarius on music side, or the aforementioned providers on internet side. I have heard many people talk about those countries as an ultimate goal every nation should reach, with their good examples in the field of education, life-quality and many others…

Windows Live Messenger

I’ve read that the new version of microsoft’s instant messenger is out, so i decided to try it out even though i use trillian for such activities.

The install file is the usually unneccessarily big, 15 megs. I know it’s not a problem for those with broadband connection, but what’s with the remaining dial-up users?

The install itself is quick compared to other MS applications’, and pretty simple. I don’t adwise anyone to read the agreement it requires you to read to start the setup, because i did read some parts of it, and it’s simply scary. Rather live in the fool’s paradise, believe me, you would instantly stop using any Live! product if you read that writing.


I don’t have any real subject to write about now, so i’ll just post my experience about the time when i was sucking with the domains. I think it’s quite funny, that for the hungarian provider, where valerauko.net is registered, it takes about 2 months to register the domain (seen that last autumn) and almost a week to move it, while GoDaddy registers in the matter of hours and moves the domain in a few minutes. That’s the difference.


Wann du schaltest dein Radio ein, du kann nicht immer träumen, wie hörst du die Sendung. Erstmal, sie rekordiert die Stimme mit einem Mikrophon. Das Mikrophon ändert die Stimme um zu elektronische Signalen. Der Sendgenerator moduliert die Signalen mit den Trägersignalen, so die Senderantenne kann es als elektromagnetische Wellen strahlen.

Es ist ganz egal, wie weit bist du von der Senderantenne, du kannst die Sendung mit einer anderen Antenne empfangen. Die Antenne formte sie um zurück zu elektronisches Signalen. Dein Radio “hört” diese Signalen, und ändernt sie um noch einmal zu die Stimme du hörst.

Trillian vs Jabber

Some time ago a friend of mine asked me if i had Jabber. For some reason he couldn’t connect to any else IM service, and since he’s a member of my staff, communication is needed between us. So he sent me a GMail invitation, i got the Jabber plugin for Trillian and met there once or twice.

Yeah, but then the Jabber plugin began sabotageing everything related Trillian, by making it crash if connected to Jabber for more than a minute. Funny. I’ve checked the official Trillian forums, and it seems i’m not the only one with this problem. I hope they’ll correct it soon. It’s dead annoying.

Pirate Bay

Most olvastam egy hírt, hogy bezárták a PirateBay-t. Egyrészt jól tették, mert hát csak a világ legnagyobb illegális tartalmakra mutató BT trackere, napi millió látogatóval, akik nyilván nem csak a designt nézegették. Képzelhetitek, hogy ha csak egy zenei albumot tölt le mindegyik (5000 Ft-os albumárral számolva), már 5 milliárd dollár bevétel kiesés a kiadóknak. Nem csoda, hogy balhéznak, én is balhéznék a helyükben.

Az is igaz ugyanakkor, hogy magán az oldalon semmilyen illegális tartalom nem volt, csak illegális tartalmakra mutató torrent linkek. Ez a torrent technika lényege, az emberek nem a weboldalról szedik a tartalmakat, amit bármikor bezárhatnak, hanem egymásról, szinte követhetetlenül.

Na majd meglátjuk mi lesz a buli vége, amúgy maga a Pirate Bay itt volt valamikor… Régebben milyen sikere volt, most meg vagy megjelenik egy, a bezárást hirdető oldal vagy nem…


I am currently writing from under Knoppix, a Linux that can be booted and used without installing, from CD. I just wanted to see how my sites display with Konqueror. Well, it’s all right, some small graphic bugs encountered on the search page here (i don’t really get why it looks like it looks, but it’s not perfect… i wonder where those CSS Zen Garden guys learned from, they can make so perfect desings…) , vWrite shows perfectly, and nearly all of my other pages are alright. Konqueror doesn’t show background patterns set with CSS background:; if there’s also a background color defined (what’s the point in this, one can wonder), the fonts in here are hardly anti-aliased, and to top it all, this thing’s set to US keyboard so i’ve to get used to it…

Now i get fed up with it so i changed to hungarian. Took 5 secs. Lazy me.

I already “wasted” ten minutes of my precious working time by posting here… So, see ya later!

Opera 9.0 béta

Nos, megláttam, kipróbáltam, oldalt optimalizáltam, postot írtam, elvesztettem, Operát nem szerettem. De rohadt idegesítő amikor harmadszorra kell begépelnem a postot mert az Opera valami tök ártatlan billentyűkombinációra újratölt vagy kilép. Úgyhogy itt vagyok jó öreg, biztos FF alól. A layoutot optimalizáltam Operára, működik mostmár mindenen (Netscapen nem próbáltam, Linuxot csak ezért nem indítok…). Van minden jó dolog, pár új link és meta tag, egy elmegy kategóriás ikon meg minden jó. Persze a belépés meg a kommentelés még nem működik de nem vagyok jó fontossági sorrendek felállításában =)

A mai napom különben kettő-a-sokadik-hatványon-szor jobb lett mint a tegnapi. A lektornak megtartottam az órát, föcin lazítottunk, matekon az érettségi volt a téma, éneken beethoven… A némettanár is fura néha, de sok pedagógus döbben meg rajtam – mellette pl a számtechtanár is.

Most meg megyek a SITIbe és szervezek valami terjesztési lehetőséget a Radiátornak. Így már talán lesz valami esélyünk terjeszkedni.

Nomeg ezt a posztot beküldeni. Aggyő!