Tag: literature


It’s already almost totally dark, there’re only a few gleams of light in the edges of the sky, but Eärendil already set sail through his realm in heights. Eärendil is the legendary half-elven sailor, who with his wife Elwing and the only Silmaril freed from Morgoth before the battle of wrath arrived by the coasts of Valinor, and asked for help to conquer evil. They were granted that and also their ship, the Vingilot was put on the sea of skies. Eärendil sails there, with the Silmaril on his forehead, that shone so bright that the people of Middle-Earth named it Gil-Estel, the Star of Hope – that we know as morning star (or evening star).

Now when first Vingilot was set to sail in the seas of heaven, it rose unlooked for, glittering and bright; and the people of Middle-earth beheld it from afar and wondered, and they took it for a sign, and called it Gil-Estel, the Star of High Hope.

It’s one of my favourite stars…


Not as if i finished anything (save the comments system, which is working fine – for me), on the contrary, i have done hardly anything except planning (yeah, still only planning) the system DB should work, and wrote some of the XSLT sheets to format the data (you’ll get a lot of that).

Finish is referring to finishing this day. Yeah, i’m already (once again) fed up with sitting here hours long not completing a single function. The hard is that i’ve to find a good point to start from, or this way i’ll have to develop all parts simultaneously.

Also, i want to note a little fact i’ve stumbled upon when browsing MuggleNet: the fifth Harry Potter book, Order of the Phoenix was released exactly three years and a day ago. How nostalgic. Surprising time runs so fast, since i can clearly remember reading my sister’s english version of the book in my room daylong months before the hungarian one was even released. It was so fun =). Just as back last summer, when i was doing the same with the sixth book (i got my own copy when i was on holiday).

By the way, here comes another pic i found on the net long-long ago, no idea where.

Az ürülék már a légkondicionálóig ért

Ez, meg a “halálra kell röhögnöm magam” a két kulcsmondata a Hókusz Pókusznak. Az egész könyvnek – ahogy azt megszokhattuk – szinte semmi értelme nem volt, és még az agyamat is teljesen lelassította. Lehet, hogy csak a betegség teszi, de olyan fáradt vagyok már most, mint máskor este 11 körül…

Most nem is írnék többet, inkább majd holnap, úgyse tudok semmi épkézláb gondolatot kifacsarni magamból… Nomeg Agatha Christie film lesz a TV-ben. Azon kevés műsorok egyike, amit megnézek.

Tehát a holnapi viszontlátásra,

Dan Brown

I can get it why the religious people don’t like him… because there’s a lot of people who believe what he wrote in the Da Vinci Code and take it more seriously than just an usual adventure book. Then i could write a book about any well known holy person who changed the world like Jesus or Muhammad and serve legends revamped as undeniable truths. It’s just an adventure book with some interesting things.

It was good for reading once. “Unputdownable.”

Of silence

Sorry for not writing yesterday in English. I was too occupied with the vWrite work and others, but it was worth the time, the first (pretty colorless) layout and most of the back-end is ready for vWrite. You can check it out by clicking on the link above.

Another thing is when i was quietly browsing the net, it just occurred to me to have another look at Caspar Hauser’s epitaph, which is like this:




It means something like “Here lies Caspar Hauser, secret of his age, his birth unknown, his death mysterious”. So i looked for it and stumbled upon the Wikipedia page of Caspar (there it’s written Kaspar), where i realised that he’s not a fictional character but was a real, living boy! Had i not seen it with my own eyes, i wouldn’t believe it, his story was so fantastic in the book of Wassermann. And it was reality! I don’t wanna live in that time if such things could really happen…

Rest of the day

Today i don’t plan on doing anything more near PC. From now on, i’ll be trying hard to finish Caspar Hauser. It’s not easy to read, but if you understand it, it gets very interesting. There’s still about 100 pages to go.

Then by 8pm i’ll head off to a Fürgerókalábak (a hungarian funny punk band) gig nearby, and probably i won’t be back today, so you’ll get the report tomorrow only!

Nyár eleji bejegyzés

Újra írok és ezúttal is van egy szép rakat hírem…

Kezdjük azzal, hogy voltam a Balatonon néhány barátommal és négy napig buliztunk, ittunk, buliztunk… sikeresen magamra is haragítottam kettőjüket, de remélem megbékélnek. Amíg ott voltunk, egyik reggel elroppant az egyik fogam, amit az a f*sz fogorvos a mai napon ki is húzott… vááá… soha, de soha többé nem látogatok meg fogorvost! Inkább beledöglök!

Aztán… beneveztem a WCG-re (World Cyber Games, Cyber-sport Világbajnokság), július elsejével kezdődnek az online selejtezők, ennek örömére beszereztem egy eredeti WarCraft III: Frozen Throne-t, csak hogy tudjak mivel játszani.

Ezenkívül mellékes, hogy a tanévet is lezárták végre, négy 5-ösöm van, a többi négyes, de idénre ez is megteszi. Kaptam egy oklevelet is a számtech országos első helyemért, de azon meg sikeresen elgépelték az osztályt LOL.

Ha jól láttam a számlálót a Szárnyas Vadkannak címzett oldalamon, akkor a Harry Potter és a Félvér Herceg Angliában két hét múlva megjelenik! Alig várom!

Ideje továbblépnem, sziasztok!