Tag: társadalom

Az idő pénz

Azt mondjuk, az idő pénz, aztán a következő pillanatban már azt, hogy az idő az egyetlen dolog a világon, amit nem kapsz meg pénzért. Akkor most melyik? Az első állítás, miszerint az idő pénz, nekem egy egyenlőségnek tűnik, az egyenlőség meg, mint tudjuk, kommutatív, vagyis fordítva is ugyanúgy működnie kéne.

Szerintem működik is. Ha dolgozol, az időbe telik, és pénzt kapsz érte – bár itt felvetődik, hogy mi van azzal a pénzzel, amiért nem áldoztál közvetlenül időt (például a tőzsdén vagy kamatokból). És visszafelé szintén, mert a modern élet kényelmei, amik általában nagyon sok időt felszabadítanak, nem ingyen vannak. A vonat se, a gyorskaja se, sajnos az orvos se.







Just read that piece on Gaijinpot about questions we get asked all the time, and I decided to compile my own list. There are a few questions that are bound to come up when I meet someone for the first time, such as…

  1. Where are you from?
  2. Is English the official language there?
  3. What is your language like?
  4. What is your country famous for?
  5. How long have you been in Japan?
  6. Why did you come to Japan?


Just now I saw a headline on a certain like-hunter-share-gatherer website that caught my attention. In the sea of “n+1 things that something” and “this happened, and you won’t believe what happened next” kind of titles, it was no different – but it had this phrase that I just couldn’t ignore: “kids in university”.

I know that it’s hard not to look down on everyone younger than you, but I’m quite positive that a majority of university students would be seriously offended if you called them kids. Sure students can be childishly carefree, but then again so would “adults” if they weren’t bound by the chains of corporate slavery.

It just feels so weird that you’d call someone of age, someone who can vote, a kid. I know: we should just let breastfeeders run for presidency (it might actually turn out better than the current system).

The book deal

For a few days now I’ve been seeing The Giver all over social media. I didn’t really care about it, because until I gave in just now and clicked a link to an article about it, I didn’t realize that I knew the work.


While I was looking for a job back last year, I had one big problem: I had no idea how much people actually earn. Even if I asked people I knew from the university or encountered during my “internships”, or at jobhunting events, they’d just give evasive answers and refuse to tell.

Responsible democracy

If you keep forcing people to make decisions they can’t possibly make reasonably, don’t expect any reasonable results either. This occurred to me while reading an article on The Atlantic about fixing intersex babies with surgeries. Parents are asked (or even urged) to decide whether or not to do the surgery, even though even the doctors don’t have an exact knowledge of what consequences it may have. Then how can anyone expect laymen parents to make that decision responsibly?

Affirmations 2

While (at least partially) positive feedback is really important to (easily) maintain a positive attitude. But did you know that “affirmations” is still a hippie keyword on Wikipedia?


Just earlier I was reading a wiki about the old province of Musashi, and I was a bit surprised to see a proposal that its name is of Ainu origin and roughly means marsh. I’ve been interested in the name itself for a while, considering how it keeps popping up all over the area of the former province (which includes where I live). On the other hand, I find it quite fascinating that while the English wiki only lists Vovin’s Ainu origin theory for the name, the Japanese wiki doesn’t even mention such a possibility. Remember the axioms of Japanese society:

1) Japan is a homogenous, monocultural society.
2) If reality is otherwise, then 1).