I don’t usually use / eat Tesco brand things but this scottish highland shortbread was really good. Much more soft than any i ate before, and tasted just the same. Really good work there, Tesco guys.

This also brings up a good point for globalisation. It’s fun that i can eat a traditional scottish food after i ate my almost traditional hungarian dinner, and then drink a cup of traditional asian tea. That’s it. I’ve had to debate both for and against globalisation lots of times (one of the most important topics at english lessons), so i know and share the views of both sides, and see the good and bad points of the matter in question (i wonder if i could’ve said that in an even more official style =) ).

Oh, and Metallica is a good thing also. /me plays Metallica – Call of Ktulu. It’s a really good instrumental track. Love it =)