Today i had a nice bikeride over to Fülek in Slovakia. It took about two and a half hours and according to the speed-o-meter it was about 45 kilometers to and fro. When i arrived home i instantly drank about a litre of some kind of juice, i was so thirsty – foolish me, i only drank a glass of tea before leaving, what proved to be far less than enough.

On the way i met with the recently installed (must be so, since i haven’t seen them before) speed indicators twice, and i think it was a very good idea to install them. There is a camera on the side of the road, that measures the speed of the nearing vehicle (be it a car, a truck or a bicycle), and displays it on a projector above. I don’t think it records the speeds, maybe it does so, but i don’t care much – those who exceed speed limits, thus endangering pedestrians and cyclists like me deserve to be punished.

To end this writing i just want to tell you some facts (mostly recorded with the speedometer of my bike). My top speed was 59.4km/h (downhill near Ragyolc) – i wanted to reach 60, but i got inside town so i stopped accelerating. The average was around 18km/h, so few because on the way back i was very tired, and the road was a climber (not very much, but said i was tired, so it was too much). I was so tired because i never switched back from the hardest gear, not even on the steepest slopes, so i think it’s quite understandable…