I want to spend most of my days of the summer break like today – well, at least when i’m home. I woke up at 11:30 in the morning. No idea how could i sleep that long, but it was sure good. I surfed on the net and worked on my sites for a few hours, then had lunch and started reading. I turned Azureus on for that time, so i could download some more episodes and the last Naruto OVA. I almost finished the book i’m reading nowadays, and ROFL-ed many parts it was so funny. Then around 6:30 pm i went of cycling. I hoped it won’t be so hot by that time, but i was definitely wrong. Still i did my usual ride around the town and at home had a shower. Since then i was posting on forums and such. Now i’ll leave to have dinner and watch my every night anime dose. So, see you tomorrow!
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