As of now today i haven’t done anything serious. I mean, nothing that really worth mentioning, so i guess this one will be again a boring, “what’s it like living as vale”-ish post. You can skip if you want, but then would miss any good thoughts that accidentally pop up.

Morning-morning… thursdays are fun days for me, because i don’t have first lesson (just as on tuesday), so i could sleep longer if i wanted – though i usually don’t do that, rather go to school and play ping-pong in school. School was just as usual as it always is… nothing interesting happened – at least nothing worth to mention, that i could say in english.

I arrived home around three pm, then umm… well, i haven’t done anything, just checked my mail and chatted with people via msn… I think now i’ll write a couple of news posts for DB (this time really)…