This is the first time since the rebirth when i write about anime. Soo…

The new opening of Bleach, which is not so new, since it’s been on for a couple of episodes now, but i couldn’t write about it yet; so the new opening sounds quite good. Now i wrote this, i realised that virtually all music of Bleach sounds and sounded dead good – it’s enough to mention Yui’s Rolling Star or D-tecnoLife by UVERworld. Both are played in my Winamp at least once daily. This time too, not only the opening, but naturally the ending is very catchy, though it takes some time, i listen to them whenever i can.

Now about the episode itself. Well, i have earlier read this part (and all oncoming) of the manga, so i kinda knew what to expect, but how to say, a moving picture battle is very far from a still one, like it’s squared or so. It’s also hard to write about this in a way not spoiling anyone, and still doing a nice summary… Thus i stop now, and continue in the longer version of the post. Check it if you want it.

Well, Ichigo’s hollow transformation looked good enough in the manga, so one can imagine how much it rocks in the anime. Especially, when it’s about to fire a cero. Anyway, there isn’t anything much happening… it’s only a continuation of the previous ep. Ichi’s fighting with his kind and nice inner hollow, while finally the original (original: this was in the manga. I don’t know why they put in Byakuya and Kariya too) vision of Kenpachi tells him the meaning of life and such (don’t worry, it’s only a meaning to those who enjoy fights), and after this he naturally overcomes all his weeknesses (just as all heroes in all shonen anime do) and strikes the hollow with all his instinct, making it disappear, thus winning the fight. Luck for Love, he’d have had to dodge a nice powerful cero if the fight took only a few seconds longer.

Also, we learn the true objective of Aizen, which is overthrowing the king of Soul Society. To do this, he needs a Royal Key to unlock the dimension in which that king resides. The location of the current Key is only known to General Yamamoto, but Aizen found out how to make a new one: to create it, he needs to collect 100 thousand souls to a spiritually chosen place, which is naturally nothing else than… Well, you guessed right, it’s Karakura Town. Good luck, Aizen-kun.