No, not 300, and not even Sparta – just the 500th post in my little blog. This afternoon was a really boring one, when i pretended that i’m working while doing nothing. I should get used to planning my codes before starting writing them, ’cause this way it’s very hard. I know it’s easier with plans, once i made them and wrote 3-500 lines of code in an afternoon. So yeah.

I wonder what will i do in the evening… i think i won’t stay by the computer, since noone is online who i could have a talk with, and my work morals are so low that i couldn’t do anything useful either. I think i’ll lay on the floor and write poems, read, write algorithms, read and all along listen to my 428 song collection. I chose all the songs i really like, ranging from Swiss suite by Oliver Nelson to Flying whales by Gojira. I think this collection will stay long, as i don’t miss any beloved ones from it (ok, maybe one or two, but i’ll get those later). Oh nope, before anything i’ll blog one more. Then we’ll see.