I had a dream, and i just only remembered it, or rather only a scene of it. It was like when i was doing my driving exam’s first part, and i didn’t know an answer. After i failed to reply, the examiner told me the correct answer, and i was ashamed that it didn’t occur to me: well, the same thing happened in my dream, just with a bit changed circumstances. I had to write something in japanese, that i know had the kanji 大 (おおきい) in it (it means big, by the way). And i started writing, but somehow i didn’t remember the correct order of the strokes, and first did the left-directed harai, then the right-directed one, and finally the horizontal line. The “examiner”, or whomsoever that was with me, looked at me with the same disappointed, somewhat angry look as back at the driving exam, and told me, that the horizontal one should be written first. Naturally, i knew it, but somehow… well, it was a dream. And i just remembered it now i’m doing japanese exercises. It’s interesting how and why people dream, and how and why they (don’t) remember their dreams.
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