On a forum i just accidentally stumbled upon a post, in which the author claimed that he was watching the Nightwish video titled Amaranth. Well, this was quite strange for me, as i was pretty much sure that i don’t know and never heard of such a song, even though i have all their works. So i checked out the official site and realised that they’ve found a replacement for Tarja – no, i should rather say, a new singer, because Anette has just such an identical and beautiful voice as Tarja did. Surely there will be – and possible already there are – fans, who won’t like her, but personally i do. Watched the Amaranth video already, but i can’t stop with it. I should, because there are two other songs of the new album, Dark Passion Play available in samples on the official site, and i don’t want to miss those either. But this Amaranth one is simply great. I think there’s already one thing that i’ll surely buy: this new Nightwish album will worth it. Too bad they are not coming touring here in Hungary… I’ve seen the video on the Metal Hall eZine. Check it out. I’m doing so with the other two songs, and those are very good too.
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