A while ago i just came across the name Cthulhu after a long time. Before now, i heard about it only in the gaming magazine i’m subscribed to, GameStar, in a very-very old issue, where there were some news about the progress of the Call of Cthulhu game. I was interested by the name then, maybe that’s why i didn’t forget it. So, i looked it up in Wikipedia, and found out about H. P. Lovecraft’s works, which really interested me. Then after a while i found a hungarian publisher that sells the complete Lovecraft collection, and i thought about buying it, but then i put that idea on shelf as i didn’t have much money. And then again, not so long ago, while just looking for Poe audio books on mininova, i stumbled upon the Cthulhu phrase again, in the name of a Lovecraft collection audio book torrent. Didn’t take an hour, they were on my MuVo.

When i got the Poe audio books, i have already known that there are loads of references to his works in the music i like, in many songs, just to name a few, such as:

  • Murders in the Rue Morgue by Iron Maiden
  • The House of Usher and The Masque of the Red Death by Stormwitch
  • The Pit and the Pendulum by Rage

This weekend i listened the Call of Cthulhu audio book, and it was really good, so i put some others on MuVo after i was finished with it, At the Mountains of Madness inter alia (among others), which i listened today, while on the train. It didn’t take five minutes to realise that i’d known the story, and that i’d known it from music, a song i really liked: Lost in the Ice by Rage. It’s about it, and i didn’t even know–the strange thing is, i can’t read anywhere about that, not even in Wikipedia, which is elseways usually good at citing references. Well, if they are not, i will. It’s interesting how such great bands are not only into music, but into literature too.