Finally i see the light from the end of the tunnel. We’re almost finished with that huge job i’ve been into since the start of the school term, then i’ll only have to finish another big project that really deserves it by now, and only then will i work on the blog seriously. Also, tomorrow will be my last exam until spring, this time it’s the oral exam in advanced english (EU C1 – too bad there isn’t a C2 level in Hungary). Then i’ll only have to study for school as usual, with only a huge history test nearby. I feel somewhat relieved. Today i don’t know if i will, but tomorrow i’ll have to write a comparison and criticism of the political theory and state philosophy (?) of Plato and Aristotle, which i’ll have to hand in on friday, and some time in the future another one, a similar comparison and criticism of the greek (including the hellenistic) and the asian philosophies, also reviewing them as deeply as i can in four-five pages. I’m really looking forward to writing this, as i’m not really interested in that political stuff, but i am in asian philosophies.
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