I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year. Oh sorry, New Year. I haven’t made any new year’s resolutions this year. Yet. Maybe i will, but i couldn’t make up any now. Should i do a summary of the past year?

Well. I managed to get my driving license, passed the advanced english exam and scored fine on two finals. That’s nice. My main resolution for last year was that i shouldn’t be so crazy with parties. It really did disturb me that in ’06 we had far too many such parties that were far wilder than they should’ve been. Last year naturally i had my hangover-practise every now and then, but it was much better. I felt better. Well… I just feel like that the past year was great. Loads of great gigs (just to mention a few: two HammerFalls, a Helloween+Gamma Ray one, a Dream Theater and an Apocalyptica), two great trips abroad (to germany in the summer and to the states in the autumn), got a job, and even more great things hard to sum up. See you many times this year too!