This is going to be a rant. (Not.) I’ve installed the new Ubuntu (8.04, Hardy Heron), and… I’m not satisfied at all. It does recognise my wireless card (Broadcom 43xx) out of box, but no way it’s working. The config doesn’t help at all… There are a few things though that made me laugh. One such was that i configured the wireless through the terminal (since the nm-applet, the network config GUI couldn’t get it working), using the good old sudo iwconfig wlan0. It did set everything right, and it stayed like that (iwconfig wlan0 showed it clear and bright), the one problem was that it didn’t work at all. Not even sudo iwlist scan (claimed that the network is down)… It was right with that claim: i checked out the hardware with sudo lshw -class network, and then decided to come back to windows. Look: the dear linux does see and recognise both my wired (which i don’t use) and wireless cards — but both as wired. There is a separate wireless something, with the wlan0 logical id. And it’s “disabled”. I have no idea how to enable it, or how to bind it to the real hardware. I’m fed up. I could get the whole thing working in five minutes under that “oh-so-crappy” Windows. And on the Ubuntu site it says “You’ll never go back.” Well, i did.
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