Sunday evening, after getting bored with everything i tried to do, i (what a rare occasion!) sat down in front of the telly. Soon later began a movie on HBO… The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The opening themes ensured me that this one will provide me a scary experience. Almost. One half of the movie was the kind of great horror movie, that makes you run out of the world without showing you anything to be afraid of. This time it was quite easy, as otherworldly (thus invisible) demons attacked first the poor Emily Rose (whom later they actually possessed), and later everyone else closely related to the case. But the story of Emily Rose is past. The movie starts with her death… This way, the flashbacks to Emily’s story and the current strange events (no surprise closely related to the demons) around her exorcist, Father Moore, and his lawyer, Erin Bruner, are the horror part of the movie. But the other part is drama: the court scenes and other demonless current events are deeply shocking, especially if one lets the world of the movie surround him. This movie is free of that annoying fault, the only one in M. Night Shyamalan’s works (Signs, The Village): after a while he shows the evil we should fear, this way actually making the scary less scary. We are less scared of something we’ve seen than of something we haven’t. The demons here don’t materialize, only a shady cloaked figure is seen in some flashbacks – else only the blackening eyes of Emily tell the tale.
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