For some unknown reason (maybe waking up an hour earlier for nothing?) i’m now dead tired, and that’s unusual. But still in five minutes i’ll set out for my everyday bikeride around town—i want to improve my stamina. It’s scary how much a 30-mile ride can exhaust me. After that i’ll start stealing photos for the textile merchant’s site (today i asked him, and he said that i should steal them—after all it’s his site, his responsibility, not mine). The layout of the poker bonus/affiliate site is complete too, i should soon start coding its back-end, which will probably take a while, with the admin area and everything else, i think i could finish it by next week. These two only will bring me a nice amount of cash, so (i hope) i won’t really have financial problems in the summer. Though who knows. Today i won’t Livemocha (yesterday i started the spanish 101), that’s for tomorrow, or saturday. I think i’ll get myself a free day on saturday, and do no work, only such i do for my entertainment, as Livemocha or my own site. And reading. I-must-read-more. (It’s not a punishment to write this a hundred times by computer… Copy-paste ruins old-style education.)
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