This morning i read the new Naruto and Bleach manga from MangaShare as usual. I expected these chapters to be shocking (as usual), but not to the extent they actually were. Events are speeding up, in both. Bleach was very action-packed in the past… Umm… Okay, so as long as i’ve been reading the manga, it was very action-packed. But it’s just fantastic how that switch back to the hundred-year-ago events turned out to be… Turned out to be… Turned out to be just as cool as the present. Or even more. I don’t plan to spoil anyone here, so i rather shut up. Things are getting together. I hope this won’t mean the end of Bleach—i’m way too addicted to survive that. The Naruto, on the other hand, was a bit silent in the past few chapters. Just talking, and it wasn’t much different this time either, with a huge difference: a decision has been made. A decision that’s probably a harbringer of war. And amazing cool fights. Some people in there (in both series) are strong so much, that it’s just not fair. Can’t wait til next weekend.
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