To be honest, i have no idea about what that word exactly means. I know it’s something offending, but i don’t plan to learn a new swearword. It must be something serious, because a senior girl got serious punishment for calling a school officer that. I wonder. I have no aims of becoming any secretary or whatever, that’s not my field. The most i’d accept to do is to become some kind of advisor and hide in the shadows. That girl is definitely different, because she does care about that stuff… The interesting thing is, how could they punish her for doing something that’s so vaguely related to school? I mean, it’s naturally related to school, but she didn’t write that in school hours, nor in the school building, nor on a school website. Still. I’d curse off the heads of those who’d try to do something like that with me, or have a huge laugh at them and make them the subject of public ridicule. In case they weren’t ridiculous enough until then… And at all, how dare they? I wonder why the girl took down that blogpost—i wouldn’t.
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