Yesterday was a bit messed up. All day i had about as much energy in myself, that i could only eat and sleep. That’s what i did until mid-afternoon, when i got fed up with all this idleness and decided that probably my blood pressure’s low or somthing like that, and so i should move. A lot. So i did… Had an eight mile bikeride, and soon after about the same rollerskating. And that did the trick. I cheered up and filled up with energy. Even though i should’ve benn tired… I bought a bottle of tonic for my headache (my mom said it’s good for that), and watched a CG– and a horror movie, and both were good (though only parts of the Robinsons one). Good… The Mist was far not as scary as The Exorcism of Emily Rose, but more entertaining (not a drama at all). The concept’s simple: the long-forgotten history of the town reappears as a fisherboat accidentally disturbs something it shouldn’t have. The ghosts appear (at first only the mist they create), haunt and hunt people down. That’s all…
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