I’ve just read a post at Mr. Tiny’s with the third part of the Zeitgeist documentary. I haven’t seen the first two parts, and i don’t plan to watch them, except if someone posts something interesting about them. This third one was enough to make me think. To think about how crazy this world is, and how crazy it ever was. I can’t believe anything i’m told, because i cannot be sure it’s true at all. There are sure trusted sources, my personal friends and people i know, but the internet in general is not. There are so many concepts about the order in this world, whether it exists or not, and if it does, what is it like, that reality is impossible to grasp. It’s like Harry Potter: you know it can’t be true, because if it was, then the magicians wouldn’t have let it be published… (And it’s also way too detailed.) The same goes for all the theories: if something is published, then it’s published with acknowledgement from the heads of the world (in case there is such a thing)… Then come two chances: either it’s true, and they let it be published because they are sure that no one would actually believe in it, or because it’s in no relation with realty. It doesn’t really matter, if it’s Umberto Eco’s Tres, or the Rockefellers, as long as there is someone up there. I know though: if the throne of the world was empty, if heaven was empty, then people (Aizen of Bleach) (would) have already occupied it. This world is so hopeless, i would run away.
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