I will be gone for two weeks. Put it in the very beginning so that i could be sure that everyone reads it. That means i won’t be going around commenting for a while now (not as if i was in the past weeks, but i was in the past days and earlier), nor will i be reading any blogs or manga or anything except for a few books i’ll bring along. Tomorrow i’ll have the application exams for my japanese scholarship, in english and japanese language and maths. I’m only afraid of maths, because i feel safe when it comes to english, the japanese one doesn’t really matter, but the maths one is dead hard, so far as i’ve seen in the past exam papers published. Anyhow it may turn out, in the evening i’ll be leaving, spending the night at my love’s, heading out in the morning after together for the lake Balaton. Wednesday i’ll then join my family on our usual yearly holiday there, and arrive home the wednesday after that. The problem is, that on that monday or tuesday i may have my interview for the scholarship, if my written exam turns out to be good. So… I’ll be gone. Don’t worry… at least as long as someone doesn’t post here that i’m dead… though i hope that won’t happen. See you!
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