I wanted to do a couple of things today, but out of five, three ended up not how i planned. First i went to the dry cleaner, where my parents sent my coat for cleaning and repairing, but the dressmaker forgot to do the pockets too, so i couldn’t take it yet. I wanted to bring back all but one of the books i borrowed from the library, but they told me i have one more at home—one i thought i brought back a month ago. Then i wanted to buy batteries for my laptop, since the current one, as the linux says, “has only 24% capacity”, thus “is either damaged or too old”. In the store where i checked, after waiting for about ten minutes for them to figure out what batteries are fit for my laptop, they told me that a new battery would cost about 25000 HUF (approx $150), and it’d take three or four weeks to ship. That’s “no thanks” category for me…
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