Blogging again after the day of God, which i spent learning spanish all afternoon, after coming back from Recsk, where my grandfather died at the labour camp (know the phrase “gulag”?), during the travel and in the breaks of spanish reading Children of Dune (the third book in the series). Last week i forgot to mention that i finished the book i got from my ex-girlfriend, “Vercoquin et le plancton” by Boris Vian. I couldn’t find an english title, so i guess it wasn’t yet translated—though that’d be very surprising, since it’s a fantastic one. A bit hard to digest, but hilarious. The ill sense of humour in every single bit of it (pay attention to the names!) almost made me fall off the chair—and that would’ve been troublesome, as i was on a stuffed bus on the way to the capital. On the one hand, it’s very funny, but on the other hand it’s a bit too much, that’s why it took a year to read it. The style’s not that charming, rather grotesque. The latter Dune books aren’t as good as the first one either, though they are still better than many i’ve read, but not “unputdownable” (a word my sis’ seen on an ad back in London), because there are many inconsistencies, references to stuff unknown and new phrases of which i can’t decide if they’re just a different translation of a known thing or something new. This sounds as if i didn’t like them, but that’s not the case at all. “I’m lovin’ it!”
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