I just had dinner. I ate fish. Don’t ask what kind of fish though—i didn’t care enough to check. It was edible (i hope) and with the usual lemon addition a better ending for this day than what it deserved. The evening was worse than my worst expectations. The modern theories lesson was annoying, with the teacher going on about arts students (you know, bachelor of arts and stuff), and how they are good for nothing. I almost told him that i’m more of an arts student than a programmer, and if this snobbishness and scorn is what it means to be a nature sciences student, i’d rather become a philosopher of the possible most theoretical type. That annoys the hell out of me, just as that how a groupmate there speaks when the teacher is present. Makes me shiver. Oh and the spanish test… Catastrophe, to be short. We were asked the words for family members and other stuff, all i thought to be not of much importance—my judgements are declining, apparently. Or i am. So… I’m not in the best possible mood now, but at least writing all this stuff somewhat cheered me up and now i’ll go and have fun. I won’t sleep enough, as usual.
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